mfold ACADEMIC NON-COMMERCIAL USE LICENSE AGREEMENT 1. mfold is the work of Dr. Michael Zuker. The copyright in mfold is owned by and the National Research Council of Canada and WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY. The National Research Council of Canada has given WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY the right to distribute mfold 2. This is a legal agreement between you, RECIPIENT, and WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY. By accepting, receiving, and using mfold, you agree to be bound by all of its terms. If you do not agree to all of the terms of this Agreement, please DO NOT download the software; or, if you have already done so, please delete all of the source code, documentation and compiled programs associated with mfold 3xxx. 3. mfold is provided to RECIPIENT as source code. WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY GRANTS to RECIPIENT a royalty free, non-exclusive, and non- transferable license to compile, install, use mfold for internal research only. RECIPIENT acknowledges that mfold is a research tool that is provided free of charge and only provided "as is." WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY, its faculty, employees, or students, or former employees who have developed mfold, have no obligation to assist RECIPIENT in its use, correction, modification, or enhancement and are without any obligation to provide any updates. RECIPIENT may also offer mfold to the public over a web server provided the program resides on a server at RECIPIENT's institution and users are not able to download or modify the program. 4. The title and copyright to mfold and any associated programs and documentation shall remain with WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY and the National Research Council of Canada. RECIPIENT agrees to preserve same. RECIPIENT agrees not to make any copies of mfold except for use in RECIPIENT's laboratory without WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY's prior written permission. Written permission can be obtained by contacting Washington University's Office of Technology Management by e-mail at, or telephoning (314)747-0920. RECIPIENT agrees to place the appropriate copyright notice on any such copies. 5. RECIPIENT may not modify mfold, except to fix minor errors, or create derivative works without WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY's permission. Please send all requests for modification to Errors and bugs that are found should be reported to Michael Zuker, whether or not they are corrected. 6. RECIPIENT shall not distribute mfold to other laboratories within RECIPIENT's institution. RECIPIENT shall not transfer mfold to another location or person outside of RECIPIENT's institution without WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY's prior written permission. Please send all requests for distribution to 7. If WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY grants RECIPIENT permission to distribute mfold, under Paragraph 6, RECIPIENT shall only export, mfold, or any part thereof, directly or indirectly, to any country where such export or reexport is authorized in full compliance with the laws of the United States of America. 8. RECIPENT shall cite the following publications in any abstract, paper, or presentation referencing mfold: a. M. Zuker, D.H. Mathews & D.H. Turner Algorithms and Thermodynamics for RNA Secondary Structure Prediction: A Practical Guide. In RNA Biochemistry and Biotechnology, J. Barciszewski & B.F.C. Clark, eds., NATO ASI Series, Kluwer Academic Publishers, (1999). b. D.H. Mathews, J. Sabina, M. Zuker & D.H. Turner Expanded Sequence Dependence of Thermodynamic Parameters Provides Robust Prediction of RNA Secondary Structure. J. Mol. Biol. 288, 910-940 (1999). 9. RECIPIENT acknowledges that mfold is a research tool and provided free of charge, it is only provided "as is." WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY, its faculty, employees, or students, have not obligation to assist RECIPIENT in its use, correction, modification, or enhancement and without any obligation to provide any updates. 10. WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS AND EXTENDS NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. THERE ARE NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS OF mfold FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR THAT THE USE OF mfold WILL NOT INFRINGE ANY PATENT, COPYRIGHT, TRADEMARK, TRADE SECRET, OR OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS OF ANOTHER PARTY, OR ANY OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES. WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY WILL NOT BE LIABLE TO RECIPIENT FOR ANY CLAIMS OR DAMAGES ARISING FROM YOUR RECIPIENT'S OF mfold, ANY CLAIM FOR ANY LOSS OR INTERRUPTION OF BUSINESS, OR FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND.