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UNAFold vs. mfold
Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2023 12:03 am
by cfgauss
I understand there is a charge for UNAFold (through RPI) but not mfold. Is there an online list of advantages of UNAFold over mfold for DNA folding?
Re: UNAFold vs. mfold
Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2023 3:27 pm
by nmarkham
First, I want like to clarify that mfold and UNAFold both require licenses for commercial use. However, it does appear to be true that mfold is freely available for non-commercial use while UNAFold is not. (The "processing fee" associated with an academic license for UNAFold it not intended to be a significant obstacle, although I understand that the requirement to obtain a license in the first place may turn some people off!)
Anyway, this is a very good question. We should probably feature this information more prominently on the web site, but I'll list a few differences here for now:
- UNAFold can handle hybridization, i.e. simulating dimers, while mfold can only simulate monomers.
- UNAFold can compute partition functions and base pair probabilities for the entire ensemble of possible structures, while mfold focuses on minimum energy structures and selected suboptimal structures.
- UNAFold can simulate ensembles of multiple species, while mfold can really only simulate a two-state model.
- UNAFold runs on Windows, Linux, Mac and just about any other platform; mfold does not support Windows.
- UNAFold uses the newest RNA energy rules from the Mathews lab, in addition to the older RNA (and DNA) rules that mfold supports.
- UNAFold can utilize multiple CPU cores for enhanced performance over mfold.
(I'm deliberately including some important differences that don't apply to "DNA folding", for posterity!)