- "Unified Nucleic Acid Folding and hybridization package"

The UNAFold web server is currenly an amalgamation of two existing web servers: mfold & DINAMelt. The aim of this web site is to integrate the existing servers and to expand by developing algorithms and software that will provide new services to the scientific community.

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New: There is a discussion forum for UNAFold, mFold and this web site! The authors will do their best to answer users' questions on the forum. Users are encouraged to help each other as well.

- "DI-Nucleic Acid hybridization and melting prediction"

* The DINAMelt web server was created in 2005 by Nicholas R. Markham, Ph.D. 2006, a computer science graduate student at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

* Dr. Markham is also the creator of the UNAFold software package that predicts folding and hybridization of up to two strands of RNA or DNA. The DINAMelt web server uses part of the UNAFold software to predict melting profiles for nucleic acids.

* The UNAFold software package has replaced the older mfold software. Think of UNAFold as mfold++.

* An article describing the DINAMelt server was published in the July 2005 web server issue of Nucleic Acids Research and has been cited 208 times up to November 4, 2010.

The mfold Web Server

The mfold web server is one of the oldest web servers in computational molecular biology.

  • It has been in continuous operation since the fall of 1995 when it was introduced at Washington University's School of Medicine.
  • It operated at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute from October 2000 to November 5, 2010, when it was relocated to the RNA Institute web site.
  • As of the relocation date, an article describing it that was published in the first web server issue of Nucleic Acids Research in July 2003 had been cited 2893 times.
  • In October 2005, in-cites ranked this article number 3 in a list of 103 "super hot papers" in science published since 2003.